- All general Oto-rhino-laryngo procedures
- Otologic procedures
- Head and neck Oncologic procedures
- Endoscopic control of Posterior Epitaxis
- Endoscopic Flexible/Rigid
- Uvuloppaisopharyngoplasty
- Management of Maxillofacial Trauma
- Frenuloplasty
- Otoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- All other facial plastic surgery
- Cleft lip and/or cleft palate
- Traumatic defects requiring reconstructive surgery
- Reconstructive surgery: Maxillofacial region
- Reconstructive surgery: body and extremities
- Blepharoplasty – upper and lower
- Abdominoplasty
- Breast Augmentation/Reduction/Implant Exchange/Capsulectomy
- Aesthetic operations (face & body)
- Plastic Surgery of extremities
- Suction Lipectomy
- Other Endoscopic surgery
- Malignancies or condition prone to malignancy (head and neck region) – removal of basal cell carcinoma
- Facial bone fractures
- Congenital anomalies: Syndactylism, congenital absence (partial or total) of external ear, Hypospadias, Tryoglossal duct cyst, extensive nevi, congenital bands, etc.
- Reconstructive surgery for burns
- Carpal tunnel/Trigger Finger release
- Excision of ganglion Cyst
- Total nail avulsion with matrixectomy by phenolization
- Partial nail avulsion with matrixectomy by phenolization
- Total nail avulsion with matrixectomy by surgical excision
- Total nail avulsion with matrixectomy
- Resection of the head of the proximal phalanx toes 1-5
- Resection of the head of the middle phalanx toes 2-5
- Resection of the head of the proximal phalanx and resection of the base of the middle phalanx toes 2-5
- Middle phalangectomy toes 2-5
- Resection of the base of the proximal phalanx
- Bunionectomy – All types/forms, with or without implants
- Plantar Fasciotomy – Open or Endoscopic
- Osteotomy toes 2-5
- Closing wedge osteotomy at the base of the first metatarsal with fixation accompanying bunionectomy
- Fusion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint with bunionectomy
- Fusion of the interphalangeal joint of the great toe with bunionectomy
- Repair of hallus rigidus by resection of the dorsal exostosis of the first metatarsal
- Dorsiwedge osteotomy of the metatarsal with fixation
- V neck osteoclasis or T neck osteotomy of a metatasal
- Osteoclasis of the metatarsal neck
- Metatarsal head resection, total
- Plantar condylectomy
- Dorsaiflexion wedge osteotomy of the metatarsal neck
- Excision of tibial sesamoid
- Excision of interphalangeal sesamoid in the foot
- Excision of neuromas in the foot/ankle
- Excision of plantar fibroma
- Excision of bursa in the foot/ankle
- Excision of fibroma in the foot/ankle
- Foreign body excision in the foot/ankle
- Excision of plantar warts by wide excision or curettage
- Surgical debridement of ulcers and incisions of superficial abscesses of the foot
- Capsulotomy, tenotomy and tendon lengthening procedures independent in the foot.
- Surgical syndactylism of the toes
- Resection of exostosis of the digits of the foot
- Resection of exostisis of the base of the second metatarsal
- Resection of the metatarsal cuneiform joint
- Calcaneal spur resection
- Closed reductions of fractures of the metatarsals and phalanges
Oral Surgery:
- Trauma – facial fracture
- Orthodontic
- Dentoaveolar
- Implants
- Excisions/Pathology
- Reconstructive
- Infection management
- Anesthesia & pain control
- Removal of cyst
- I&D
- Bone graft
- Cosmetic
- Cataract removal with IOL implantation
- Trebeculectomy
- Vitrectomy
- Blepharoplasty
- Excision of lesion sclera
- Repair of Cornea
- Ocular Shunt
- Excision of conjunctiva
- Exchange IOL implant
- Temporal artery biopsy
- Eye Muscle Surgery
- Bartholin gland, excision, I&D abcess, marsuplization
- Biopsy vulva
- Biopsy cervix
- Conization cervix, LEEP
- Perineorrhapy
- Perieoplasty
- Repair cystourethocele
- Repair rectocele
- D&C
- Laparoscopy, diagnostic
- Tubal Ligation
- Laparoscopy, operative
- Adhesiolysis
- Fulguration and excision of endometrioisis
- Salpingectomy
- Neosalpingostomy
- Fimbrioplasty
- Ovarian cystectomy
- Oophorectomy
- Salpingo-oophorectomy
- Hysteroscopy, diagnostic
- Operative Hysteroscopy, excision of polyps and adhesions
- Endometrial Ablation
- Recto vaginal fistula
- Urologic procedures, cystourethroscopy
- Cystometric study, CMG
- Urethral Dialation
- Sling procedures for stress incontinence
- Suction D&C for missed AB
- Procedures involving skin and musculofacial
- Head and neck procedures
- Skin and minor (local) procedures
- Muscle biopsy
- Thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy
- Breast surgery, excision/biopsy
- Hernia repair (adult and pediatric) with and without mesh repair, inguinal, ventral, umbilical
- Rectal procedures, Hemorrhoidectomy, Anal fistula’s, Perirectal abcess
- Appendectomy
- Venous Thrombectomy
- Varicose vein surgery/stripping
- Venous ulceration surgery with or without skin grafts
- Insertion/removal of central venous catheter, portocath
- Temporal artery biopsy